KERRY’S KORNER  is a tribute to a very dear friend who some years ago asked if I would render a mural on her dining room wall.  Her life would end soon due to cancer, yet I would have to say that she inspired me while providing an opportunity for me to connect with her in a healing way.  This section of my art is under development currently with a focus on unique work to include but not limited to the vines which was also used for Kerry’s mural. These works will be in mixed media and often with my original quotes. Before her death, Kerry and her family lost their own mom. The family decided to donate a small stipend to help me progress with art.

Kerry’s Korner is also a tribute to my mom who passed under unexpected and unusual circumstances six months before my marriage.  During that first year of marriage, I found oil painting classes at a small art studio.  Not only did I fall in love to the man I married, I fell in love with the feel of the paints gliding onto a canvass creating something beautiful and new. I could sense that art also brought a healing element to my grief. My mother was also very creative with her music, cooking and fabrics. Mom always prayed for the right man in my life and to this day my husband is so supportive and encouraging for me to keep pursuing art while I also assist him creating beautiful works out of wood. At times we are inspired to create and discover combining our talents towards something new together.
After completion of several professional mural and faux training schools, I have found mixed medium products to incorporate into meaningful quotes for the work seen under Kerry’s Korner.  The quotes, faux or mixed media are the main materials and resources for rendering of these pieces.

Click here to view the Kerry’s Korner works.

Kerry Kerry